
The ARTE is composed of three entities : the headquarters in Strasbourg (ARTE GEIE) and two members responsible for programme production and delivery, which are ARTE France in Paris (ARTE FRANCE (S.E.P.T.)) and ARTE Deutschland TV GMBH in Baden-Baden.

The group GEIE aims at designing, realizing and broadcasting by satellite or any other means, cultural TV shows with an international scope, which promote the understanding and the coming together of the European people.

Since October 2003, all GEIE‘s services have been get together in Strasbourg, close to European Union institutions. The building has been designed by a Franco-German duo of architects Delaunay Jund and Hans Struhk from the Maechel company in Strasbourg.

4 Quai du Chanoine Winterer – CS 20035 – 67080 Strasbourg Cedex

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